“From your lofty adode you water the mountains, the earth is satisfied with the fruit of your work.”
Psalm 104:13 (ESV)
I read this verse this morning and was struck by the phrase: “the earth is satisfied”. I had just spent some time looking out the window as my morning coffee was brewing. Our lawn is freshly mown, a lush green. I could not help but notice it because last month most of the lawn was turning brown. Now suddenly, after some much needed rain, the grass has been renewed — satisfied. It has come back to life.
There is something important for us here in this seemingly small thing. Reflecting on Psalm 104 Eugene Peterson writes: “The very environment in which we live is evidence of provision of our basic needs; fulfillment is built into the basic structure of creation. God the maker is also God the sustainer.”
This reminds me of another psalm, the twenty-third: “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” (NIV) Whatever you are facing today, whatever you need, there is one who can satisfy. The rain will come. The wind will blow in new seeds of life. Though you may not always see it with your eyes in the moment, you can trust it in your heart. There is an unshakable, unstoppable power at work in the world all around us providing not only for the grass of the fields and the birds of the air but also for you and me. God will sustain you and satisfy you with His love and overflowing goodness. He will give you what you need. He will renew you. You can be satisfied.